
It's about our community and our spirituality!

Obama As Hitler

Every now and then I have to visit the thirty or so websites I promote as part of my Peacemaker’s 30 list. I really should do more visiting of these blogs, but I barely have enough time as it is maintaining my own website on a daily basis and there is only so much time in a day. This year I was banned from going into the office on Christmas and New Year’s so I had a brief window of a little extra time on my hands. With the number of visitors to the old blog drastically down, no doubt due to holiday activities this time of year, I decided not to bend over backwards as much to do the daily blog thing. The misses suggested that I spend a little time catching up on some of the links on my page.

Thank god I made the effort! I really must learn to pick my links a lot more carefully. One of them, I’ll refrain from revealing any names to keep its promotion to a minimum, spent a lot of its time promoting the idea that President Barack Obama was a modern day version of Hitler. All kinds of alarms started going off in my head. I remember selecting this site as something pertinent for people to see because of it talked about how the police are getting out of hand and are harassing our communities. No community gets more harassed by the police than the black community. Police are beating black people left and right, police are sending black people to the hospital, and America’s police are fatally shooting unarmed black people who aren’t committing any crimes or who have already been subdued. And the only time police get busted is when they’re caught on camera doing the deed.  And even then half the time they get off without even a slap on the wrist. The website pointed a finger squarely at former President George Bush. With Mr. Bush’s proclivity for spreading fear among the populace, his association with a police state was pretty obvious.

But I was surprised to see the site promote the idea that Mr. Obama was trying to goose step directly into Adolph Hitler’s shoes.  There really wasn’t any explanation as to why or how Mr. Obama was the reincarnation of the German icon of evil other than the fact that as our President, Mr. Obama continued Mr. Bush’s policies. And yet, I don’t recall the site ever promoting the idea that Mr. Bush was a Hitler wannabe.  The site was without a single image of Mr. Bush donning a Hitler moustache.

Anybody who reads my blog on a regular basis knows for a fact that I am no fan of Mr. Obama. I find him a serious disappointment with his inability to help the black community. He claims that by law he cannot make a law that helps to promote the black community. Even though that statement is true, it is misleading. As President, Mr. Obama does not make any laws. The development of the law is a function of the legislature, not the executive branch. His answer was nothing more than his typical dodge of any affiliation with black people.

No one is asking Mr. Obama to pass laws to help the black community. What the black community is asking for is Mr. Obama’s support in the development of laws as well as federal government policies that can help rebuild the black community. Mr. Obama doesn’t appear to have much of a problem stepping up to the plate when the dominant community needs help. He can help bailout banks and Wall Street. When the nationwide unemployment rates hits double digits he has no problem promoting himself as working hard to reduce that unemployment figure. But the unemployment rate in the black community has been double digits for a much longer period. Why can’t Mr. Obama say that he will work to motivate the country to help reduce the unemployment rate in the black community? The unemployment rate in the black community is at least half as much higher than the overall rate and yet Mr. Obama maintains a hands off policy waiting for people in the black community to show more responsibility.

But I hardly think this qualifies as falling into Hitler’s footsteps. I can’t afford to have my blog associated with such leaps of illogic. Yes we are living in a police state. The idea that our police state is something of Mr. Obama’s design because he wants to be a Nazi is a serious stretch.

I have posted quite a few articles critical of Mr. Obama and his policies. I wrote a post criticizing how he systematically turns his back on the black community with condemnation labeling the general black community as just a bunch of irresponsible louts while he moves heaven and hell to bail out corporate America. There was the post critical of the fact that Mr. Obama proves he is no man of peace when he escalates war. There was the article about Mr. Obama’s complacency in Israel’s aggression against the Palestinian people, standing idly as the President elect while Israel unleashed its United States supplied military war machine against the defenseless people of Gaza. And try as I might, I cannot reconcile how Mr. Obama can sever all ties to his former pastor Reverend Wright for calling Mr. Obama a politician but he is quick to embrace conservatives who will boldly call him a liar as he is making a formal address to both chambers of the Congress.

And as much as I may dislike Mr. Obama, I am compelled to defend him from the nonsense people want to dump on him. The idea that Mr. Obama wants to do everything, anything to promote the Aryan people as the superior race is abhorrent. Then again, the way he focuses so intently on issues solely from the perspective of the dominant community is worth a scrutiny or two.

I may not care for Mr. Obama. But as a black man watching another black man being attacked, I do believe I can see the difference between the analytical criticism of him with some kind of evidence or reasoning to support a judgment and the unjust criticism fueled with nothing but dislike and prejudice, whether it is a racial, political, ideological, or whatever prejudice one might have.

Monday, January 4, 2010 Posted by | African Americans, Barack Obama, Black Community, Black Culture, Black People, Life, Racism, Thoughts | 6 Comments