
It's about our community and our spirituality!

It Must Be Summer Time


It must be summer.  This is the time of year when people throw their cares to the wind and take off for greener pastures or whatever form of relaxation appeals to their fancy.  People will load the kids in the car and head down the road for the amusement parks.  People will pack the bags and hop on a flight to who knows and drink mai tais with little cute umbrellas by the pool.  So many people will spend their time relaxing by reading a book in one of those lounge chairs on a deck somewhere.

At least I think they’re reading a book because they’ve certainly kicked my blog to the curb!  Where all the readers at?  I don’t know what’s been happening at other websites but here, things have gotten pretty quiet lately.  No joke!  I could compete with a Pontiac dealership for who has lost the most traffic in the past few weeks.  And the more I lose visitors the more difficult it becomes to come back and write something the least bit provocative or entertaining.

And I refuse to write about stuff like the latest dumb shit happening between Rihanna and Chris Brown.  All you have to do is put their names in a title and a blogger is guaranteed to get at least a thousand hits in an hour’s time.  Or better yet, I could jump on the second guess the happenings in Iran at the moment.  But lord knows it would be pert near impossible to write about any of that stuff from a fresh perspective worth reading.  Then again, the way the blogosphere has been fired up with Iran articles, more people are probably writing about that stuff than there are people reading it.

I thought about doing an article comparing North Korea holding the two American journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee on charges of sneaking into that country.  People everywhere got their panties in a wad over the audacity of the Kim Jong Il regime to hold two Americans who made the choice to illegally enter that country.  But the same people will dismiss the fact that the United States will hold hundreds of people in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, some as young as thirteen and fifteen years old.  And some of those people have been there for seven years.  I could write about that.  But then who’d read it?

This will be the third summer this blog has seen.  I thought the first time I saw my numbers drop was nothing more than a correction.  I started my blog in March and by May the number of daily reader hits had climbed eight times over.  When I saw the huge dip in hits the following June I simply thought that May was a fluke.  But come September, the numbers started to creep back up and every month thereafter.  That was 2007.

In 2008 I saw almost the same exact thing happen.  In April of 2008 I saw numbers that I thought were hard to believe.  With the presidential primaries in full swing for both major political parties, people were starved to read anything and everything about Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and just about any and every other political candidate.  Things dipped a bit in May.  But then June rolled around and the numbers sank like Idaho Senator Larry Craig’s popularity after he did his Flomax commercial reenactment in the men’s room at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport.

Things bottomed out the following August and the numbers started to climb again in September and reached a peak in early November, no doubt a reaction to America electing her first black President.  Every blog that ever mentioned Barack Obama probably did well.  And while the numbers came down from the stratosphere the following month, they were still higher than anytime before November 2008.  Ever since then the numbers remained high.  That is until June.

I’ll admit it is only an assumption.  But June is proving to be a hard nut to crack and keep the numbers going.  I don’t blame anyone.  I know that there are a number of blogs that I used to visit that I really don’t have the time to patronize as often as I did once upon a time.  I like to think that a lot of people who visit my blog are of the younger generation, students in school who may be out for the summer and the last thing they might be thinking of is getting online these days.  I can understand.  Even though I’m addicted to the internet, not everybody is.

So this summer I think I’ll relax a bit myself.  Make to mistake, without a doubt I’ll continue to blog.  But while I work hard to produce an article almost on a daily basis in the past, I think I’ll give myself a break and might skip a day or two every now and then.  Hey, even bloggers need a vacation.  We need to relax too you know.

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It must be summer. This is the time of year when people throw their cares to the wind and take off for greener pastures or whatever form of relaxation appeals to their fancy. People will load the kids in the car and head down the road for the amusement parks. People will pack the bags and hop on a flight to who knows and drink mai tais with little cute umbrellas by the pool. So many people will spend their time relaxing by reading a book in one of those lounge chairs on a deck somewhere.

At least I think they’re reading a book because they’ve certainly kicked my blog to the curb! Where all the readers at? I don’t know what’s been happening at other websites but here, things have gotten pretty quiet lately. No joke! I could compete with a Pontiac dealership for who has lost the most traffic in the past few weeks. And the more I lose visitors the more difficult it becomes to come back and write something the least bit provocative or entertaining.

And I refuse to write about stuff like the latest dumb shit happening between Rihanna and Chris Brown. All you have to do is put their names in a title and a blogger is guaranteed to get at least a thousand hits in an hour’s time. Or better yet, I could jump on the second guess the happenings in Iran at the moment. But lord knows it would be pert near impossible to write about any of that stuff from a fresh perspective worth reading. Then again, the way the blogosphere has been fired up with Iran articles, more people are probably writing about that stuff than there are people reading it.

I thought about doing an article comparing North Korea holding the two American journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee on charges of sneaking into that country. People everywhere got their panties in a wad over the audacity of the Kim Jong Il regime to hold two Americans who made the choice to illegally enter that country. But the same people will dismiss the fact that the United States will hold hundreds of people in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, some as young as thirteen and fifteen years old. And some of those people have been there for seven years. I could write about that. But then who’d read it?

This will be the third summer this blog has seen. I thought the first time I saw my numbers drop was nothing more than a correction. I started my blog in March and by May the number of daily reader hits had climbed eight times over. When I saw the huge dip in hits the following June I simply thought that May was a fluke. But come September, the numbers started to creep back up and every month thereafter. That was 2007.

In 2008 I saw almost the same exact thing happen. In April of 2008 I saw numbers that I thought were hard to believe. With the presidential primaries in full swing for both major political parties, people were starved to read anything and everything about Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and just about any and every other political candidate. Things dipped a bit in May. But then June rolled around and the numbers sank like Idaho Senator Larry Craig’s popularity after he did his Flomax commercial reenactment in the men’s room at the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport.

Things bottomed out the following August and the numbers started to climb again in September and reached a peak in early November, no doubt a reaction to America electing her first black President. Every blog that ever mentioned Barack Obama probably did well. And while the numbers came down from the stratosphere the following month, they were still higher than anytime before November 2008. Ever since then the numbers remained high. That is until June.

I’ll admit it is only an assumption. But June is proving to be a hard nut to crack and keep the numbers going. I don’t blame anyone. I know that there are a number of blogs that I used to visit that I really don’t have the time to patronize as often as I did once upon a time. I like to think that a lot of people who visit my blog are of the younger generation, students in school who may be out for the summer and the last thing they might be thinking of is getting online these days. I can understand. Even though I’m addicted to the internet, not everybody is.

So this summer I think I’ll relax a bit myself. Make to mistake, without a doubt I’ll continue to blog. But while I work hard to produce an article almost on a daily basis in the past, I think I’ll give myself a break and might skip a day or two every now and then. Hey, even bloggers need a vacation. We need to relax too you know.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009 Posted by | Life, Thoughts | 8 Comments