
It's about our community and our spirituality!

Destructive Feedback Is Not Ready To Listen


“Interesting set of observations Brother Peace Maker.

I will withhold all critical commentary of your experiences lest I get moved to the folder that you have reserved for my posts.

I just wonder why you feel that YOUR OBSERVATIONS of the threat to the community from the internal termites who ultimately don’t give a DAMN about the Black Community are more valid than MINE?”Constructive Feedback

Destructive Feedback,

I never said my observations are more valid than yours. In fact, if you’d bother to read our previous exchanges, I initially engaged you with the respect I freely give to visitors to my blog. Unfortunately, I discovered that the respect I was giving you was not returned. It was you who had the attitude that your observations were more valid than mine. When I tried to agree to disagree with you, that we should be willing to respect each other’s approach to issues, you continued your attack on me. You didn’t respect me enough to even agree that we can disagree.

That was just a couple months after I launched my blog. Back then I thought it was important to be all inclusive and post comments from anybody and everybody who paid my young site a visit. But you never returned the sentiment.

I came to the realization that you were little more than a self hating black man who trolls the net looking for conflict with other black bloggers that do not share your opinion that the problems of the black community are rooted solely within the black community and the racially generic dominant community that is predominantly white would remain blameless. I may not have all the answers and I may not understand the problems fully. But your idea that the dominant community is blameless and is therefore not obligated to help the black community in its predicament of perpetual second class existence is truly perplexing.

As the weeks went on, and with a regular basis, you felt obliged to come to my blog and attack. I considered you a cancer to my blog and to the black community and took the attitude that your less than helpful comments and constant attack on my position, because you felt so superior, entitled you to special considerations. You are the only individual on this blog with his own perpetual article. You are truly a special case.

I found it pretty funny how you ran across my article on the Afrospear and started to attack me there. I ignored your first comment thinking that you were entitled to your opinion. But after someone else responded to what they described as your rant, you ignored them and continued to attack me in your second comment. You learned absolutely nothing from our first exchange.

So now you claim that you’re ready to hold your tongue. I doubt it. But to answer your question, I don’t feel my observations are more valid than yours. I simply think that my willingness to look at the entire picture of what is affecting the black community, including the pressures placed by the dominant community, is a more valid approach to understanding the myriad of problems. As long as you focus only on your hatred for the black community I doubt if you will ever understand. All black people are not the problem. The problems stem from a minority of black people that are used to judge the entire black community. You would see that if you didn’t have so much hatred for black.

I have to admit that every now and then, when I get one of those rare visits from someone from your blog, I’ll take a look to see what you’re up to. I must admit I got a kick out of your article telling your visitors that I gave you your own article. Right after I slammed the door on you over at the Afrospear you wrote the article as if it was news. I noticed you left out the fact that my article was written back in August of 2007. Why did you wait so long? Was it some lame attempt to get back at me?

Soon, we will come up on our two year anniversary. June 25th will be exactly two years since you first darkened my in box. How will we mark the occasion? Will we try to do something a little more civil? Will you act like someone who wants to engage in a dialogue of mutual respect? Are you ready to open your ears and listen as well as talk? I seriously doubt it. My bet is that nothing will change and you will continue with your contempt of me and anything associated with the black community. But that’s okay. You are more than entitled to be a jerk if that’s what you truly are. Just don’t expect to be a jerk here.


Sunday, June 7, 2009 Posted by | Black Community, Black Culture, Black People, Life, Thoughts | 5 Comments