
It's about our community and our spirituality!

Nonsense From Nobodies


Today was a rough day at work.  Working a technical job and dealing with non-technical people is usually a chore.  Today, it was more of a chore than others.  People are petty and people are just plain nasty.  I hate dealing with nasty people.  Unfortunately, it’s part of my job and for the most part I do enjoy what I do.  But every now and then you have to work with a particularly nasty customer in a situation that is truly difficult and all they want to do is become the bane of my existence.

Today is the third day in a row I’ve had to come home late.  Today is the first day it really got to me.  I managed to crack a small smile when I saw my son.  I pulled into the driveway and he was happy to see me for about a minute.  But he was kind of cranky because he wanted to stay outside despite the storm clouds developing over our heads.  Sango looked like he was ready to dance.  I secretly wished the Orisa of thunder and lightening would let lose one of his more devastating bolts at my nasty customer’s work site.

I came inside, changed the clothes and started to maintain my blog.  I’ll have about two hours to approve and reply to comments, write a new article to post, surf for a picture to go along with the new article, update the quick note, and other maintenance that needs to be done on a daily basis to keep my blog interesting.

I checked my comments.  Some nobody accused me of trying to be his or her enemy and left some long diatribe that started with his or her life story and I simply refused to waste more than two seconds to read.  Some nobody else is dumping comment after comment into my inbox in some vain attempt to convince me that racism is over because we are all humans and black people who talk about disparity are the problem because black people refuse to move on.

This second nobody assured me earlier today that he didn’t care for my blog and preferred others.  I was really torn up when he told me he was leaving.  I only wish he would have stayed away.

Tonight is not the night for senseless blather, redundant and nonsensical arguments, and closed minded conversations.  I don’t need to hear drivel about how the only thing black people need is to stop having babies out of wedlock or how black people need to stop separating themselves after generations of the dominant community condemning the black community to conditions of separate and far from equal.  But everything is fair and equal now.  Tonight is not the night to tell me that I’m trying to blame white people or that I think all white people are guilty.  I’m not in the mood.

I’m in no mood for arguing in circles with people who don’t want to listen.  And I’m in no mood to tolerate people who don’t have the good sense to act like gracious guests while visiting this blog.  Right now I’m fed up with people who see me as some kind of punching bag.  Tonight is not the night to come here and argue with me for the sake of argument.

I must have deleted at least a dozen comments so far.  I don’t even bother to read the details anymore.  The only thing I need to see is the source.  If the comment is from a person with a history of making asinine comments then they’ll just have to deal with having their comments deleted.  If others can throw reason out the window then let me do the same.

“I see you want to make enemies so I’ll just…” Delete!
”I know you won’t post my comment but I want…” Delete!
“You know I’m right and that’s why…” Delete!
“Why don’t you put any of the thirty seven comments I made since…” Delete!
“Fine!  Delete my comments.  That’s real mature from…” Delete!

If people don’t want to listen to me I don’t have a problem with that.  If people want to manipulate what I’m trying to say and consider me the bad guy in these days of zero tolerance for things that challenge the established status quo, then that’s their prerogative.  But I have prerogatives as well and tonight I’m going to use them to their fullest extent.

Don’t like what I have to say?  You are more than welcome not to.  Don’t like me?  I believe the feeling is mutual.  Don’t let the delete key hit you where the good lord split you.  Tonight is not the night.  Delete!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 Posted by | African Americans, Black Community, Life, Racism, Thoughts | 3 Comments