
It's about our community and our spirituality!

Black People Just Don’t Get It


Like the average black Joe I read what happened to Shaquanda Cotton with disgust and appall. A 15 year old African girl gets sentenced to serve a maximum of seven years in juvenile prison for shoving a 58 year old hall monitor at her high school in Paris, Texas. It should be obvious to anyone with a fraction of a brain that the injustice of the United States judicial system against its citizens of African descent knows no shame or boundary. However, this is the tip of an iceberg that runs throughout America.

Blacks are regularly made examples of injustice, prejudice, exclusion, incompetence, omission, exception, deception, rejection, condemnation, revulsion, abhorrence, stereotypes, subjugation, etc. The list never stops. Every goddamn day that passes we find more examples of America’s detest for blacks. If we listed each and every injustice we as a people have suffered on post-it notes and stacked them all together the resulting column would reach beyond the sun and back. There isn’t time to address each and every transgression The list is simply way too long.

If hurricane Katrina taught the African American community anything it is that our collective voice isn’t strong enough to stop the injustice. Days prior to the hurricane hitting New Orleans the weather forecasts had predicted the potential strike. Yet the federal government claimed they knew nothing about it. We stood by as our federal government did nothing to prepare for the cataclysm. Everyone was outraged. There were calls for investigations. There were rallies to help the victims. New Orleans was the focus of the whole world’s attention. And nothing happened.

The mother of the President of the United States pays a visit to the Houston Astrodome to draw attention and support to the people victimized by the storm. What did she have to say about the plight of the people? “What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.”

Shortly thereafter Robert Davis, a 64 year old black man who was in New Orleans to check on his family’s property, was assaulted by police officers in an altercation initiated by his request for information. The man was beaten unmercifully by a number of local cops and federal agent. The police tried to hide their gaffe by alleging that Mr. Davis, a school teacher, was drunk and disorderly. As days passed attention on the fate of Mr. Davis’ case was swept under the AP News rug. And the black community did nothing.

Martin Lee Anderson, a black 14 year old at a Florida bootcamp-style detention center for juveniles, is assaulted by four camp officials. Within the first two hours of his first day at the facility officials tried to get Anderson to continue to exercise after he had collapse from exhaustion, resulting in his death. The official coroner’s report had attributed the young man’s death to a latent sickle-cell trait (a seriously lame excuse for a medical official working on behalf of the government). A second autopsy, performed two months after his death on his exhumed body, had contributed the death to suffocation. And the black community did nothing.

Abadou Bailo Diallo, a 23 year old Guinea immigrant to the United States was shot and killed by four white New York undercover police officers on February 4, 1999. Supposedly the story is that Diallo matched the description of a man already captured for serial rape. Diallo ran when he saw the white men coming for him (the brother probably had a premonition of what was about to happen). When he was cornered he reached for his wallet. Four police officers feared he might fatally identify himself to them so they shot him in a hail of 41 bullets. Diallo was hit 19 times. The officers were acquitted of any wrong doing. And the black community did nothing.

New York police officers have killed Patrick Dorismond, a Haitian security guard. New York police killed Sean Bell on his wedding day. New York police are responsible for shooting and killing more unarmed black men than all the black brothers killed in George Bush’s Iraqi War. Abner Louima was sodomized by New York’s finest with a broken broomstick handle. And how did the black community respond?

Rodney King is brutally assaulted on video by four police officers in Los Angeles. The police officers are acquitted and the buildup of frustration causes the black neighborhoods to erupt in riots. The expression of anger was a short term response to the lack of compassion from the white dominated American society at large. But what happened after that?

When will the descendants of Africa get it through our collective skull that we are not participants to the bounty of America? Measured as an entire group to the group of descendents of Europe, our schools are inferior, our medical care is inferior, our neighborhoods receive inferior attention and our opportunities for employment as a whole are far inferior. Too much of the economic wealth of the nation is controlled by people, both black and white but mostly white, who pretend to be oblivious to the disparity between African Americans and European Americans.

Yes there are plenty of house niggers (sorry, but there’s no better description for this group) out there that people across America can point to and say, “they did it, why can’t you”. But not every member of the African community has the talent to be exceptional at playing a sport, the voice to be an exceptional singer, or the stomach to maximize the size of their wallet at the expense of their racial identity.

A lot of white people and their uncle toms claim to be tired of black people crying discrimination every time an unarmed black man gets gunned down Chicagoland-gangsta-style by white and black police officers alike. But none of these people are tired enough to do anything to keep their badge carrying posse in check. Why? Because of all the hate, fear, and disdain filling their hearts these people want to drive the point home that the black community is in no way, shape, nor form respected, appreciated, nor tolerated outside the physical, mental, and social perimeters established by the white dominated society.

The problem isn’t just that the police are out of control. The abuses of the various law enforcement posses are just a sick symptom. The root of the problem is American society’s general way of thinking. This attitude can be summed up as “the black community can holler all they want but there is nobody coming to help them.” And for every Shaquanda Cotton, Patrick Dorismond, Sean Bell, and others that come to the light there are hundreds of incidents of abuse that exist behind a veil of secrecy, ignorance, deception, and contempt.

Friday, March 30, 2007 - Posted by | African Americans, Black Community, Black Culture, Black Men, Black People, Orisa, Philosophy, Racism


  1. Brothereacemaker:

    You say that the Federal Government knew about the storm in advance and did nothing. The majority of the people who were victims of the storm too knew about the threat of this storm. Could you articulate what you know them to have done?

    As a resident of Atlanta I can tell you that we received an armada of vehicles streaming in from New Orleans. I have little doubt that the majority of these car owners had room to fit one more of their neighbors who were left behind into their vehicles. Could you tell me what is magical about what one government helicopter can do that 100 private vehicles heading north were not able to do in the way of transporting people in need?

    Please do me this favor. If you could write out a very specific tale of the response from all sectors of government, if carried out, would have made you proud of the response in Hurricane Katrina? Please be specific with respect to the day (Monday flooding, Tuesday….) and the people who you expected to come in, the mode of transportation that they would have used, the fuel resupply method, how they would get around the bridges that were destroyed or underwater at the time.

    You see Brothereacemaker this is the level of logistical detail that those who “failed you” have to deal with. I would like for you to take a stab at being in their shoes and coordinating a response to one of the worst natural disasters in this country’s history. Please keep in mind that it was not just New Orleans that was hit.

    Why do you only focus on police abuse in your story of injustice? In New Orleans last year out of 160 homicides only 3 people were punished. In the Vine City Section of Atlanta – not a Hurricane Katrina impacted area – only 32% of all Black on Black homicides are successfully closed. This means that that a killer of a Black man has a 68% chance of walking the streets after he smokes a Black man. You speak of “injustice” what about “non-justice” as the community nor the police are able to work together to keep this community safe and have people punished for the offense of killing a Black man.

    All the while the references to Dialo, Louima, Sean Bell and other Black victims of police misconduct/homicide are rattled off it seems that the more frequent cause of “Black death” is not discussed by those who have your disposition. Why is this?

    No doubt the killing of a Black person by a policeman is a greater offense. Can we put some multiplier to this to regulate public outrage? For example one police killing is equal to 10 Black on Black homicides and thus the community will response in kind?

    Comment by Constructive Feedback | Monday, June 25, 2007 | Reply

  2. Constructive Feedback

    You raise a number of points and I’ll do my best to answer them. If you’d like a detailed study asking for every aspect of the government’s response then would you be willing to fund the research? Please do me a favor and fund such research and I will be more than happy to comply with your request.

    As far as people leaving New Orleans offering to take their neighbors along do you know the precise number of drivers that didn’t help someone else escape. Besides our tax dollars are not intended to cover the neighbor helping neighbor escape plan. FEMA is an organization specifically designed to handle such events. The people in New Orleans affected by Katrina, who paid their federal tax contributions, are entitled to have their government respond to these emergencies. That is why they exist. If FEMA’s plan was to have neighbors save neighbors then they should’ve made the neighbors with the cars aware of their responsibility and be compensated for it.

    As far as logistics go I am not privileged to know the plan. I don’t pretend to know all the logistical problems. But I’m not paid to know them. Other people are. And if their response is any indication, they are seriously overpaid. However, I do know that the Coast Guard was not immobilized by waste deep water and broken bridges. I do know that, as a federal office employed to respond to emergencies, I think that it would be reasonable to plan fuel and supply lines, debris removal, and other logistics should be considered as part of their mission to respond. You ask me to give you my plan and I have to confess I don’t have one. But why don’t you tell me what the plan was for New Orleans from the people paid to have a plan and how well did it work or fail.

    Is it your contention that the federal government’s response was flawless. The people of New Orleans were given the same exact considerations as the people of Florida or Connecticut when hit by a hurricane?

    The fact that sixty-eight percent of the crime committed against black people goes unsolved is just another example of the problems black people experience in our bid for some semblance of justice. If you are looking for some statistics then you’ll be disappointed. But I do know that black on black crime pales in comparison to white on white crime. I am not even trying to absolve black people of their responsibility in this nightmare many of us are having here in America. That’s the whole point of the article. Look at what’s happening, realize the government, corporations, and the public at large does not have our best interest at heart, and respond accordingly.

    Mr. Feedback, please remember this is an essay performed by a single person without a corporate or government budget expressing an opinion of the world we black Americans live in from his perspective. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. In fact, I’m expecting others, such as you, to engage me in a constructive dialogue so that we can spread our ideas, information, perspectives, and beliefs. If you are expecting facts and figures, detailed news accounts, alternative plans and the like then you will be disappointed. If you’d like for me to run these offices, maybe you can be instrumental in me getting the job of looking out for the welfare of the citizens.

    Did anything I write in my original essay sound untrue? Did these things not happen? Are they a figment of my imagination? Please tell me and I will retract. I’m not above making mistakes. No one is. But I do not believe the neglect of the black community is a chance occurrence or simply a bunch of mistakes by bureaucrats who really do have our best interest at heart. I believe that the black community is a victim of an unspoken psychological warfare, conspiracy, attack, plan or whatever designed to keep black people in general subjugated as part of the economic lower class.


    Comment by brotherpeacemaker | Monday, June 25, 2007 | Reply

  3. [quote]As far as people leaving New Orleans offering to take their neighbors along do you know the precise number of drivers that didn’t help someone else escape. Besides our tax dollars are not intended to cover the neighbor helping neighbor escape plan. FEMA is an organization specifically designed to handle such events.[/quote]

    Once again – LOGISTICS would do you good.

    By the very definition – the people leaving town in their private cars were a component of the LOGISTICS to get people out of harms way. You say the great God named “FEMA” was supposed to rescue you. Tell me BPM – what mandate would have prevented or is preventing in the future residents of New Orleans to organize a “Pack your car with a neighbor in need before you pack up your material goods for he is worth more” program AMONG RESIDENTS of the city? I thought that “people before profits” was your mandate?

    But again you say FEMA was to come RESCUE the masses. Let us translate this into LOGISTICS. Between the flooding on Monday and the effective departure on Friday…..the days in between being used to develop a plan on how to evacuate people and then secure the vehicles and man power to do so…..please tell me what YOU expected?

    Where are the buses that SHOULD HAVE rolled in on Tuesday?
    Where is the diesel fuel that they consume?
    What was the condition of the roads that they must travel on? Today if you get into a car BPM please make note of all of the small BRIDGES that you roll across. Now imagine your drive to work if these bridges over that small drainage ditch or branch of a river were all gone……how would you plot your course to work?

    YES FEMA is responsible for coordinating these efforts. My challenge to you and other critics is to apply a greater sense of REALITY in with the rocks that you throw.

    It is outrageous for a people to have scathing assessments on the racial motivations of a government’s response to a crisis……..only to go back and once again place their lives in the hands of this same “racist system” the next time around without splitting the difference by identifying what THEY CAN DO within their own means to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

    Yes you do pay FEDERAL TAXES. The further away from home your money goes….the more it must compete with the interests that the expanded set of people that are adding their dollars to the bucket. Thus you have more control over money closer to home. If this MONEY is the choice between your life and death of your people because of this “racist government’ then it is counter-intuitive to increase your money sent into this pit and also increase your expectations of them.

    Comment by Constructive Feedback | Tuesday, June 26, 2007 | Reply

  4. Constructive Feedback

    You’ve summed up my mandate as people before profits. I guess your mandate can be summed up as profits before people. How many people profited by leaving the city? Who made the choice to save all their worldly possessions during the crisis? A few weeks after Katrina, Rita was headed to Houston and everyone was scared cautious. When my sisters made the choice to evacuate they didn’t load their car with their worldly possessions. They were able to pool their resources and get out of the way of any harm. But neither one was focused on saving material goods. The car was packed with women and children. I spoke to several people about their choices for Rita and I can assure you no one profited from anything.

    FEMA is no more god than you or I. If you remember that you may not be so quick to defend this agency or the people responsible for overseeing this agency for their incompetence. FEMA is a deep pocket government agency with access to resources that I can only imagine. They are the government agency responsible for responding to a crisis in this country. As a citizen I expect my government to respond to a humanitarian crisis that is looming on the horizon. If the emergency was something totally unexpected then all the problems with LOGISTICS that you are so focused on could be understood. But FEMA existed long before the hurricane hit New Orleans and FEMA is the agency responsible for having disaster recovery plans for such an eventuality as a hurricane that can and will hit this country every year. I don’t have the budget or the personnel or the resources that FEMA has to put together a plan. Give me those resources and I will put the plan together.

    My career is in information technology. I used to contract with a variety of companies. In all of these companies it is the responsibility of the IT department to have a disaster recovery plan in the eventuality that the company suffers a disaster and regular data systems are interrupted. We don’t make these plans after the disaster. The plans are made before the crisis so we can respond quickly and minimize the downtime. The LOGISTICS of moving to our backup facility and providing all the backup equipment as well as personnel is all planned and procured ahead of time.

    You ask me where are the buses but why don’t you ask FEMA? You ask me where was the diesel fuel but why didn’t you ask FEMA? Is it your contention that the administrators of FEMA woke up Tuesday without any of these resources so they had to suddenly go shopping for buses and fuel and start recruiting people? The government was able to respond to the repair of their NASA and military facilities with no bid contracts quicker than they could get a bottle of water into the city. Is it your contention that FEMA had no experience with hurricane disasters? If the foundation of your argument is based on the theory that since I didn’t have a plan I shouldn’t say anything then I think you’re woefully mistaken. It is not at all unreasonable for a people to hold their government agencies responsible for the duties they are charged.

    And yes you are absolutely correct with your assessment of people’s expectations from their government. The more the black community’s interest has to compete with other interest the more we will be disappointed. It is outrageous for black people to sit back and think our governments, be it local, state, or federal, to have our interest at heart when past behavior shows anything but. After what happened in New Orleans I’m shocked to see black people return ready for history to repeat itself. Black people need to wakeup and realize they must take responsibility for themselves in a system that is not sensitive to their wellbeing. It’s like sheep returning to the slaughter house. I find it outrageous for people to see disparity before their very eyes and pretend it isn’t there. This is the reality that we all should be seeing.


    Comment by brotherpeacemaker | Tuesday, June 26, 2007 | Reply

  5. So again I ask you – if you know the real deal with regard to the incompetence of this and other Federal Agencies……….why would you place your people of concern at risk by depending on them?

    Where were the local people, knowing that the levees were built on ground that is mostly “peet moss” in nature, having been depleted of its water table and began to sink? Since the community is ultimately in danger do you think that it is beyond their capabilities to have some of their young people to learn about GEOLOGY and counter-check the Army Corps of Engineers? Or are you bound by JOB DESCRIPTIONS and who SHOULD BE DOING IT? I thought it was time for Black folks to express more independence?

    You asked me if I was satisfied with FEMA’s performance. My experience with organizations especially government organizations tells me that there is a difference between the public face – a la “Brownie” and the masses of people who make up the fabric of the organization. One man nor a group of appointed officials made the difference between success or failure in that one incident. What was shown was a confluence of poor planning on all levels of government, but more importantly it showed that WATER IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE ON THIS EARTH. Civilian government agencies are often full of dysfunction in their ability to carry out a task. Place this organization into an acute situation and surely their failings will be noted. At the same time there are PEOPLE behind this “Rapid Fire Response” that you were waiting for to rescue the masses. These people had to be transported in. They had to have a vehicle to remove the evacuees. (I take it that you did not see the History Channel documentary in which the Army Barracks got flooded and their vehicles and generators were all under water?) They had to deal with the destruction of their own base camp which they were holed up in let alone organize to galvanize a civilian rescue.

    I look to New Orleans and ask – what will be done WITHIN New Orleans among the people who are at risk to insure that this will never happen again in the event of a flood. Since N.O. requires a large slab of concrete on the graves so that the caskets will not float away – something tells me that they know something about the probability of flooding.

    Let me ask you. I will assume that you agree with the predictions of Global Warming. Climatologists are predicting that in 100 years the coastal areas will be flooded. One guy stated that the Gulf Coast line will reach up to Baton Rouge. With this bit of information in mind – Would you support placing Black people back in harms way knowing that this is a distinct possibility? I hear a lot of banter about “the White man trying to take our land”. This is the primary driver for many people to have their land restored. If it is true that greater and more frequent flooding is bound to take place in this region would YOU consult with those who are inclined to believe in a conspiracy and tell that that THEIR LAND as well as the WHITE FOLKS who build their “Disney Land” type attractions on what was your land will be flooded IF the predictions are correct….we need to be more deliberative in our considerations.

    Comment by Constructive Feedback | Tuesday, June 26, 2007 | Reply

  6. So again I ask you, are you saying that FEMA isn’t responsible for responding to an emergency? FEMA shouldn’t be bound by its job description? Did you even read my last post? If you did you would’ve read how I find it shocking to see black people wanting to even return to New Orleans. I find it shocking to see black people live anywhere where the chances of suffering a disaster are so much higher than normal. And it’s true that the black community should be more independent. But does that mean they are not entitled to the services promised by their government?

    You talk about the army’s experience from the flood and how they were immobilized and I know they have considerably more resources than any community. So what does that tell you? Does it even register that if the army suffered setbacks with their deep pockets that the black community would suffer even more setbacks with their less than bountiful pockets?

    I have to confess I didn’t see the documentary you spoke of. But I did see a documentary on the effectiveness of the Coast Guard and how they responded. I also saw another documentary that showed a reporter and his support staff driving through New Orleans in an Explorer as the hurricane hit. They ran across a brother wading through the water and after a few minutes of talking the brother asked for a ride. The reporter and the crew had to decline but wished the brother well. I read a report of how William Jefferson used National Guard resources to visit his home shortly after the flood in order to procure some of his family’s valuables. There have been a lot of stories and documentaries about this disaster.

    If I had my way there wouldn’t be a black person left in Louisiana. I think the fact so many black people want to go back into that hell hole is foolish. Hence, the article “We Just Don’t Get It”. It seems like many of us have forgotten the lesson of Katrina and are ready to put ourselves back in harms way. We need to learn to take care of ourselves and quit depending on somebody else to do it for us. I believe that whole heartedly. But that does not absolve our government offices from their responsibility to us.


    Comment by brotherpeacemaker | Tuesday, June 26, 2007 | Reply

  7. “So again I ask you, are you saying that FEMA isn’t responsible for responding to an emergency?”

    FEMA’s job is one of COORDINATING the emergency response and the aftermath. There is no large contingent of “FEMA Trucks” that will swoop in and rescue people. Their job is to, for example, contract with bus companies to line up enough buses to transport people out of harms way.

    Assuming that Monday was “flood day” and thus everyone was dizzy from the head blow suffered from the storm…we have Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday as logistical planning days and Friday as the day at which most would agree that signs of a massive response had taken place. Please keep in mind that all the while there was a coordinated attempt on M,T,W,T to sandbag the levees, do water rescues by the Coast Guard and local police, etc. The national frustration is focused on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday regarding seeing thousands of people huddled up at the Dome or the Convention Center or various bridges with no apparent response being executed. This is where the key perceptions of the “screw up” stem from. The government should had made sure that food and water and medical care was flown in by helicopters from other states – SCREW STATES RIGHTS at this time – you get forgiveness later. But the actually removal of the people on Friday was, in my opinion, a reasonable response interval due to the enormity of the situation. The buses need drivers, they may have been damaged in the storm, the route that they will have to take from both facilities need to be inspected (do you think that there would NOT be lawsuits if a bus full of people rode over a bridge and it collapsed, failing to have been inspected beforehand?)

    Hurricane Katrina showed me how many layers of complexity that we take for granted in our society (sewage, water, building codes and communications). In one fell swoop – all of this was swept away and people were exposed to the raw elements – all the while the news media had live feeds to document the conditions for viewing by other Americans who had their air conditioned home to make judgment upon.

    It is my personal belief that, regardless of the second guessing, opportunism after the fact and yes EXAMPLES OF GOVERNMENT INCOMPETENCE that no significantly different outcome would have been had if you change to a different FEMA head, President, governor or mayor. In the future I would like to see more resources provided to individuals in New Orleans so that they can better address the acute threat that they live under – basic life rafts would have prevented people from drowning in their attics as the flood waters rose and they had no means of breaking through the roof. I fully expect N.O. to flood again some time in the future. Basic safeguards up front can reduce the human casualties. This is what the people should be advocating for.

    Comment by Constructive Feedback | Wednesday, June 27, 2007 | Reply

  8. It is very true that FEMA’s job is one of coordination in the event of a national crisis. But in order to effectively perform that function, management, training, and, last but certainly not least, planning are essential components of the effective coordination process during an emergency. You cannot expect the public to believe that FEMA had to wait until Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and etcetera to make the plans necessary to respond to the hurricane. For sure FEMA is not alone in its failure to respond to the needs of the people. Local and state governments failed in their response to the disaster as well. Had government leaders taken a more humanitarian approach to the disaster instead of the political, bureaucratic approach selected the coordination effort would have been light years more effective.

    The Coast Guard was rocked hard by Katrina as well. The comparatively small Coast Guard suffered damage to its bases in Mississippi and Louisiana with alleged looting at their New Orleans base. But the very night Katrina hit the Coast Guard moved to evacuate people in danger. There was no “let’s wait ‘til Thursday so we can have time to coordinate”. If FEMA needed the extra time to work out a deal with a busing service after the fact then that is a prime example of the agency’s sorry approach towards disaster preparedness. Preparation for a disaster doesn’t start the day of or days following the event. Disaster response preparation takes place before the crisis.

    Patrick Roberts summed it up very nicely in his article “FEMA After Katrina” in the June 2006 edition of the Policy Review. Mr. Roberts said, “Disaster funds were more likely to flow to politically important districts where the president or members of FEMA’s oversight committee faced a competitive election.” Mr. Roberts made his conclusion based on various studies such as Thomas A. Garrett’s and Russell S. Sobel’s study titled “The Political Economy of FEMA Disaster Payments” and Richard T. Sylves’ and William H. Waugh Jr.’s study titled “The Politics of Federal Emergency Management”.

    I understand how you may feel the fact those people spending four days in the Superdome in the hot and humid, mosquito infested, Louisiana environment without food, water, access to sanitation facilities, or medical care was reasonable. I’ve heard people say things far more unsympathetic. By all means, you are entitled to your opinion and I appreciate you sharing it with me. But when I close my eyes and imagine the misery those people must have been going through right after what could arguably be considered the storm of the century I cannot simply make excuses for the government’s failure to provide for the people in those hours and days of their need. Let’s protect the rights of the state and screw the suffering of the people is not a reasonable community oriented philosophy in my opinion.


    Comment by brotherpeacemaker | Wednesday, June 27, 2007 | Reply

  9. This is one of the best essays I’ve seen yet, on the Internet or otherwise. I agree with you, some black people did nothing but I say others tried, and failed. Without infrastructure, without a country, with roadblocks to these things, attempted by Garvey (Garvey Papers), Black Wall Street, Broward County, Nova Scotia (read black ice) and others, all blocked by government intervention aimed to retain the subjugation of the African American, I say, black people can do little. Many deny the brilliant observations, many in the black community itself. It’s like Frederick Douglass or Booker T. said, convincing the slaves that they were slaves was a difficult take, and I am paraphrasing. I have found a piece of truth in a sea of lies called cyberspace. I must subscribe and spread the news for as you have eloquently stated, ideas count. From that will come action. Lastly, we have too many factions and uncle Toms.

    Comment by ddsharper | Saturday, January 10, 2009 | Reply

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